Brothers with Opinions -B.W.O.

From Court Victories to Political Power Plays: Uniting Communities & Challenging Injustice

Anthony Dinges Season 1 Episode 18

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What if high school basketball could spark a revolution in community spirit and engagement? Join us as we celebrate Handley's record-breaking triumphs and Spring Mills' top ranking, immersing ourselves in the vibrant world of local sports. We spotlight standout players like Will Braun-Duin, Christian Dinges, and Jaevon Brisco, destined for Division 1 glory, while applauding the outstanding contributions of community leader Carl Rush. Our discussion is full of lively banter and heartfelt appreciation for the athletes and leaders shaping our neighborhoods, highlighting how sports can unite and inspire.

Venturing beyond the court, we critically examine the power dynamics of public figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump, exploring how their actions have impacted society and justice. We consider controversial pardons and the broader implications of their policies, delving into topics like immigration, civil rights, and economic strategies. Through these discussions, we challenge listeners to reflect on the moral boundaries crossed by influential leaders and the societal changes that have followed, encouraging a broader understanding of the complex interplay between politics and public perception.

In our closing moments, we call for a societal shift toward justice and equality, urging listeners to connect with us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter). We emphasize the importance of being vocal and informed, standing up against racial injustice and systemic challenges. By sharing our insights and experiences, we aim to inspire others to join us as new activists on a mission to challenge the status quo and advocate for a more equitable future. Let's stand together and make a difference, sparking change one conversation at a time.

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Intro and Outro music credit to Wooka Da Don

Speaker 1:

I was ready, bro. There's a hindrance Silence is consent, so let your voices be heard, man, we brothers with opinions. Now we spreading the word. Bringing light to the dark Revolution is our art, man a lot of people talk, but they ain't never walked apart.

Speaker 2:

Gotta shine a light on poverty and fight against injustice and always speak the truth when the enemy's amongst us. Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. It's Sunday. Y'all know what Sunday it is too. Baby.

Speaker 2:

Two games left until the final game, like my man Zeb was just saying, and we're going to get right into it with a little local news and then we're going to, of course, jump off into the Illuminati inauguration. You know, you guys take it for what it is, because my man Twin always lets y'all know, first and foremost, this is just for entertainment purposes, but our opinions are just that In the meantime, y'all got to stop being quiet, man. Y'all got to let us know how y'all feel good or bad and give us some feedback. Man, we appreciate the ones that do that, but get out to us on Spotify, youtube, everywhere. Actually, man, that's my man Tony. He puts us up everywhere. We're going to keep doing it.

Speaker 2:

Only one thing I will call my boy out real quick fellas. He posted on Facebook last week like season one, episode 16. And I'm like season one. We've been going on this strong fellas since 2021, man, we about to hit that four-year mark. So, yeah, I guess it's like season five, but anyway, fellas, let's kick it off. Mr Tony, let them know what time it is baby. Well, tony, let them know what time it is baby.

Speaker 3:

Well, Chris, to clarify the season thing. Yeah, we've been going on for what? Almost five years? But the whole season thing is just we are going to start doing seasons, so we'll take a break. Come back, you know, during the spring, whatever to clarify that For sure. Yeah, so have the people anticipating for a few months our lovely voices coming back.

Speaker 4:

You're talking about the rebrand, yeah rebrand the relaunch.

Speaker 3:

There you go. Reinvent, you got to reinvent yourself. Yes, there you go. But yeah, always go back and listen to the older episodes. That's how we got up and popping. But okay, so let's jump right into local scores and we'll start with our area.

Speaker 3:

In Virginia, hanley won on Tuesday 82 to 25 over Brentsville. Wednesday you had Osborne Park defeat Manassas Park 69 to 42. Meridian still winning. They beat Kettle Run 85-35. Princeville lost I don't know who, rocky Nehemiah County, I guess 60-36. And Falkier won again, they seem to keep rolling. They beat Liberty 77-35.

Speaker 3:

And our Thursday slate was Falkir defeated Liberty 77-35, and Skyline defeated Warren County 81-44. Friday, meridian defeated man Falkir 69-39, and Hanley beat Manassas Park said a school record 108 points in one game. The previous record, I believe was, was 102, I want to say 103. So they set a school record in a single game. Uh, shirando defeated james wood 43 to 39. And yesterday in the big game everybody was anticipating, you know hanley versus char Charlottesville. Hanley destroyed them 65-34. Kettle Run defeated James Wood 47-45. And there you go for the Northwestern District. So moving on to West Virginia, because we don't want to forget about our brothers and neighbors in West Virginia since we're right here on the state line. Let's see. On Tuesday no score. So Friday yeah, it's Spring Mills defeated Martinsburg 60-37. And Spring Mills is ranked number one in West Virginia, the state, just to let you all know, yeah, set that up.

Speaker 2:

Tony, set that little scrimmage up for the day. They both have spring mills and hanley, two number one teams in the states right and then I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

So saturday they had games as well. Martinsburg 169 to 60. I don't know, all these schools abbreviate, maybe it's kaiser or something, and then the same what they played a doubleheader or something. Anyway, Washington won 88-65 over KCA. Whoever that is, let's not just call them KCA.

Speaker 2:

That's King's Christian Academy.

Speaker 3:

There you go. So they played back-to-back. On Saturday, the boys' basketball team played two games. So there you go for area local scores. Everyone, and and also, let's not forget about the girls. The handley girls played a tough game against charlottesville a rematch, like we said, of the playoffs and they fell short by three wasn't that a rematch of the state championship well states like whatever it is, it wasn't like the state championship yeah, it was in the state tournament, right yeah, state tournament.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, state tournament. Yeah, because the boys and girls remember last year both lost to Charlottesville. They had to go to Charlottesville and play the boys and the girls.

Speaker 2:

And what did we say? Haley had everybody returning. So just like you said, they have everybody returning to show what a 20, 30-point win. And the girls both lost some key players and both returned some. It looked like you know Charlottesville had a little more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the Charlottesville girls. They've returned a lot of girls. But you know everybody wants to talk about Hanley's schedule is weak and this and that it's like guys, it's like you make your schedule Charlottesville right. So they were great last year. We can't help kids graduated blah, blah, blah. You know what I'm getting at. But now we've talked about this. But Falkir seems to be decent, but they weren't really that great the past couple years. So from year to year you never know who's who sometimes.

Speaker 2:

I'm just surprised Hanley doesn't play Falkir man. We played them twice a year growing up.

Speaker 3:

But you can only play so many teams in your district. We can't play 40 games. No, but you're supposed to play every team in your district.

Speaker 2:

That's supposed to be like the state law, or not law, but like the rules. If they're in your district, you play them, and football once and basketball twice. One home, one away.

Speaker 3:

Am I wrong?

Speaker 2:

Isn't that right?

Speaker 3:

I get it, but they can only schedule so many.

Speaker 2:

I just wait a district first, and how many times I got out of it Chris there's so many teams and they know, but not in the district. So if there's, like how many teams are in their district. I'm looking up right now, wayne, ain't that how it is? You play every team in the district, one home, one away. You guys are so stuck in the old times, when there was three schools.

Speaker 5:

You have so many schools now and you can't, and you're only allowed to play so many games per season. They can't play everybody, yeah that's what I'm getting at.

Speaker 3:

I mean now, remember when we was a school, you only had Liberty, or not even Sarandon but then they now you got Kettle Run, you got Falk, you got uh Brentsville.

Speaker 2:

There's so many schools but we had James Wood, we had Sharando, we had Falk here, we had Liberty, we had Loudoun County, we had Loudoun Valley, all those schools, parkview, they was all so we lost three of them because Millbrook and them are new ones that are built, but we played every one of them twice. That's all I was saying. I'm like I didn't realize they'd no longer do that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, they still do, they still do, but like Wayne, just they might flip-flop it Like next year.

Speaker 5:

they probably will play fall career twice. You see what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they got't know if it's east and west yet, or north and south, but you know what I mean. That's kind of how it feels. That's kind of what it is really. Mm-hmm, tony, I can't lie. I haven't been in the area enough to know all those things. I just know who's good and come back and watch when I can. But that's wild to me, like yeah.

Speaker 3:

I get it. Every time, so start more districts, chris would have a 40-game schedule because he'd say, man, we've got to play everybody.

Speaker 2:

But you're supposed to have more districts then We've got to play Clark County.

Speaker 5:

It'd be like an NCAA schedule.

Speaker 2:

But Clark County is the closest school to us, like that.

Speaker 3:

But you brought that up to see what I'm saying. He's like why?

Speaker 2:

don't we play Clark County, but that would be an out-of-district game for me, like if I could do it. But I would definitely play the in-district schools. Yeah, Because I would hate to be a district champion or not and I'd be like, well, we didn't even get to play them.

Speaker 5:

And then you got to think about the athletes that are on the basketball court, that run track Like it would just it wouldn't add up from season to season. You know what I'm saying. Like if you added that many more games to the basketball schedule, Like they wouldn't be able to get out of that sport to get into the spring sports.

Speaker 3:

Right, but it's so confusing to even me, chris. Yeah, I'm just surprised.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, that's another type it's like.

Speaker 3:

it's so confusing to me how some of these teams are in our district but yet they're 3A, we're 4a, yeah, I don't get.

Speaker 5:

It's just like. All they're doing is it's realignment. That's all they're doing.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know. We talked about.

Speaker 5:

Okay, they have to realign the schedules and it's almost like the nfl, like how we play certain teams every four years or every five years, you know being yeah but we had single way, double, double-a, triple-a.

Speaker 2:

Now there's like 6A right All the way up like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Yeah, there's six classes.

Speaker 1:

They doubled it, but they haven't added districts.

Speaker 2:

That's what confuses me, Like why ain't there extra districts? Now I bet you 7A.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I'm sure there is 7A is coming soon 7A will be coming soon.

Speaker 3:

There's tons of districts.

Speaker 2:

We're going to keep going on that. I know we got to keep the show moving, fellas, but before we get into how the game went yesterday with Christian and them, we do got to shout out because we forgot last week. We ain't shout out that kid Will man dropping 51, breaking the school record. Take it for what it is it's still a school record at 51 and 17 minutes. Man, I got to shout that young man out, so congrats to him. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

We don't want to set the single school record for most points in a game, also as a team right. Well, that was this week.

Speaker 3:

That was this week. Oh, that wasn't the same game. No, that wasn't the same game.

Speaker 2:

I think they scored like 90 or something We've seen a lot of good teams and good players come through Hanley, but no lie this they're still going to come back again next year. That team may be the best offensive team that Hanley's ever seen it's a possibility yeah, they're all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean shout out to Will we didn't want to forget about, but we had our boy, you know, jay Sean Offit, on last week, so gave him his shine. We didn't want to take that shine away from him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah because he already going d1, and then you got people like Will and Christian and all them going D1 too soon. So, but yeah, shout out to the judges, man. Regardless, you know politics and everything else. Man, they got some ballers over there.

Speaker 5:

I mean it's a style of play also. I mean, you know, we could have scored 100 points back in the day easily, man, but it was just the style of offense that Tommy ran, I mean he ran a motion offense, but like Tony said, he said he thinks I'm stuck in the old ways.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to play all the teams. So I'm more like Coach Dixon and then Tony's, more like Zach, like that running gun stuff, the AAU brand basketball. I ain't mad at it, that's just how it is, you right? No, my team, my team.

Speaker 3:

I'm different. Don't compare me to anybody else. I'm different.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying y'all got the running game.

Speaker 3:

Haley runs a little bit, but they don't run as much as I'd like. I'll just keep it real, because they got the dogs to do it. They can run people off the court.

Speaker 2:

But they put up 80 or more points a game. Dude Haley's killing.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

A lot of these kids.

Speaker 3:

They play at 100 miles an hour, man, a lot of them don't have two speeds.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's why you see a lot of points being put up on the board but that's just the way it is.

Speaker 2:

Even in the nba, in college it's high scoring. Now, that's what the the people that run it want. They want offense football too. They want offense. That's why it's a passing game. But I see a lot of out of control play, though I mean but how did christian and jayvon and all of them do yesterday and will?

Speaker 3:

well, christian got in foul trouble and for early, so he got like two early fouls and it sit like the whole first period, got in the second, then got his third foul, then had to sit the whole rest of the half. So I mean, but he did his thing deep. You know, he makes like me and Wayne always talk about. He makes his impression when he's on the court. He's a difference maker Just because of his length in everything. You know defensively and rebound Like he was rebounding the hell out of the ball. You know doing all the other things.

Speaker 2:

What about Amari and everybody?

Speaker 3:

else and Amari's injured right now. But they all played well. It was Kyron and Will you know points-wise, because Kyron he was on yesterday, he was hot.

Speaker 5:

I just try to stress to kids man, you've got to play with a high IQ when you're on that batting board.

Speaker 3:

I mean Christian makes great pads, he's got great court vision, you know, makes things happen when he's on the court. Yeah, and not taken away from any of them, they all do play their role, do their thing.

Speaker 2:

You got Christian out there signing autographs, oh shoot.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, don't let it get to his head. It don't matter if he didn't score no points.

Speaker 2:

That shows right there he makes a difference.

Speaker 3:

He had five but, like I said, he just got out of his game, I guess offensively. But how can you get in a rhythm when you're on the bench?

Speaker 5:

You know what I mean, but at the end of the day, though, it's not about how many he scored. It's who won, though.

Speaker 3:

That was the first thing I said. It's like I want to see him make an impact on the defensive side and he does.

Speaker 2:

That's what he does, yeah it's just kids, you know when they look at it, when they're young, they always look for the points as a stat. But let me ask you all this Do you all still get the paper and have all the stats like who's the area leaders and points rebounds? Do they still do it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I've sent that to you guys.

Speaker 2:

They still send it to me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they still do that. I've sent that to you guys in text.

Speaker 5:

the area yeah well, christian and categories right yeah, I think they did it all for football season.

Speaker 3:

That's how I kept up with the stats because I think they they just put one out recently. Now that's cool, man, I have to find it, keep it moving.

Speaker 2:

But in the meantime, mr rush man, we gotta shout your big bro out. Man, all of our big bros, mr carl rush, over there in louisville county, continuing to do big things like he does in the winchester area that's right that Big ups to my brother man. You know, a recipient of a leadership award.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, leadership for community work. You know what I?

Speaker 3:

mean yeah, that's awesome. Carl's a great dude. Grew up with him. I always knew I was like that guy. He's going to do something. You know he always had his head on straight growing up. So congrats, carl. You had that leadership award in Loudoun County. Keep doing big things, yeah, man.

Speaker 5:

It's like anything you touch turns to gold. Man, Keep doing your thing, bro.

Speaker 3:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

One of the few shining stars in that class of 97.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that 97 class wasn't so great. Even Dixon said that. He's like just be glad I cut you. That was the worst team I ever had. We only won three games all season.

Speaker 5:

That year was horrible. We'll keep it moving because we're not talking about that Right.

Speaker 3:

So jumping into, we're getting on Trump because that's the hot topic Everybody did In his second term and they're making dumb ass changes and everything. So I'm going to let Zeb start this off, because he seems like he got a lot to say about Mr Trump.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's not really about Donald Trump. I think people are blowing it way out of proportion. Him like reacting to him. They're all friends, like you've seen. You saw the video at I think it was gerald ford's funeral. He's sitting there next to obama like they're. They're talking like like they're buddies. You don't know what they're saying, but he might be saying, man, you coming over to watch the game after this what kind of conversation they're having.

Speaker 4:

Like you see them, they're all friends with each other, but it's the people that vote that are so divided. Right right, yeah, that's how I look at it.

Speaker 3:

So what's some of these laws he's put into effect or trying to put into effect? I know there's like the lg, bg2q, whatever, he's transgender. I know he's like now you have to, um, either be male or female on your identity and stuff like that. And then of course, you know the immigrants is immigration's a big thing, but to me he's trying to change the whole Constitution.

Speaker 5:

Honestly, he is man and to me they should be able to stop that man that should have to go through a ruling, through a judge man Trying to change acts that are in the Constitution. Man, we're talking taxes, we're talking abortion, immigration. I mean, the list just goes on and on. Man, it's like he's trying to rewrite everything, man.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to bring up right now.

Speaker 2:

He already revoked the Civil Rights Movement Now what's that Chris, he already kind of changed the civil rights movement.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and I thought that couldn't be touched.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I don't exactly understand everything just yet, to be honest, but he did something to where it's not like it was. So, with all the work that people did throughout history, all the way through the big civil rights movement in the 60s, he kind of revoked it and took it away. It was like there's no equal rights opportunity anymore and employees don't have to give nobody an opportunity to be hired. That's just one of the things he's changing, everything.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, just like with the taxes I just mentioned as one of the things he's trying to change. It's not to better for the people, it's to better the corporations.

Speaker 2:

That's all this. This is is a big corporation.

Speaker 5:

It's like a beer it's like a six or seven percent difference of corporations seeing more money, you know I mean so where they're not having to pay that seven percent back in, so now they're able to see that money man. So it's not there. He's not bettering it for the citizens at all, you know you see what he did for what?

Speaker 2:

for the tariff stuff with Canada, mexico and China. So everything we get costs way more money, which means everything from clothes to lumber to oil is going way up on us, not down.

Speaker 5:

Well, I heard he wanted to make Canada one of our states.

Speaker 2:

It's bigger than our country.

Speaker 5:

I think I've heard that I know it's bigger, but that I think I've heard that I know it's bigger, but that's what I've heard that means one state is bigger than the rest of the country he basically said he wants it to be a part of the United States man.

Speaker 4:

I don't think they would agree to that.

Speaker 2:

No well, supposedly he changed Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America. Oh yeah, which to me. I think I might have said it last week. But what does it matter? We are all on America. This is not just America, we are the United States of America.

Speaker 5:

Canada and.

Speaker 2:

Mexico are part of America, just like so is Jamaica, and so is Chile and Argentina. They're all part of America, either North or South, but it's America. He changed it and all of a sudden there's snowstorms all throughout Texas and Florida.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're right, yeah, what's going?

Speaker 2:

on with that shit man. It's going to snow. It's snowing heavy down there and I know them. People can't even drive in certain cold conditions. Imagine the snow down in Florida right now. I've seen them videos like damn.

Speaker 5:

I saw the one video from a lady from Georgia. She came out of her front porch. She's like what is this? She's like nobody's going to work today. Shut them down. I mean those type of people, man. They don't know how to drive in that shit, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, zeb. What do you think people are blowing out of proportion and what do you think?

Speaker 4:

is already making sense. Well, I just think, like people, we're so divided this country is so divided, the people but the leadership is not. That's what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 2:

They do that on purpose, they're not divided.

Speaker 4:

They're colleagues. They all know each other. They might be from different political parties, but it's like two different football teams they compete, but a lot of them guys are friends when it's over.

Speaker 5:

I can agree with that I agree with you. I mean we're totally divided because that's why you have different parties and that's why these people support these parties. But it's designed that way.

Speaker 2:

If they divide and conquer.

Speaker 5:

But the people that can create this stuff are the ones that really divide us. Yeah, and we're being brainwashed with what they're telling us, and that's why we have not one nation, it's a divided nation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because it's just crazy. It's just crazy to me thinking about that. You know divided, but when you think about Trump's first term, what Snoop's? A good example? He was dogging Trump and then who else was like Obama, but now his second term, now Snoop's supporting him.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, because he's better in that higher class of elite people man. Yeah, because he's better in that higher class of elite people man. Like, if you make a lot of money, he's going to take care of you. That's his promise to these elite people man. That's why you see a lot of them supporting him now.

Speaker 4:

See, there's the other thing about him. It's like we're told he's racist, but why do so many Black people vote for him? Why do so many Mexican people vote for him? Why do so many Mexican people vote?

Speaker 2:

for him Because he's a businessman. He's a businessman.

Speaker 3:

You could still be a racist.

Speaker 4:

But I can't tell another race how to feel. If Snoop Dogg feels he's not a racist, who am I to tell him? He's black man, I'm white. I can't speak on that.

Speaker 3:

But what is it? Money talks. I can't speak on that, but what is the way that money talks.

Speaker 4:

I can't speak on that. There's a lot of them Lil Wayne, 50 Cent. There's a bunch of people that support Donald Trump.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

West lost his career supporting Kanye Trump the first time. Now everybody's supporting him.

Speaker 2:

When we were young I don't think any of us even thought about it, and none of our parents or older people told us this kind of stuff. They probably didn't know. But the it and none of our parents or older people told us this kind of stuff. They probably didn't know. But the reality is, all these high, big people like snoop is huge snoop super huge uh what's that girl that with the chiefs um taylor swift?

Speaker 2:

these people are so huge that they they're such big influencers among the masses of people that, whatever they do, it influences the masses of people, whether right?

Speaker 3:

or wrong.

Speaker 2:

These people are being used by the Trumps and the leaders of Google and Meta and everything else. So the Zuckerbergs and Bezos and all they're using these people and paying them like a motherfucker. You give them all this money, man. Nelly said it on his first album. He said I ain't been the same since I signed 4Mill. You know what I mean that was $4 billion. They get way more than that right now.

Speaker 5:

But didn't Zuckerberg? He died, didn't he?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Zuckerberg. He's one of the youngest ones still out all day.

Speaker 5:

He's our age, but Chris said the dude that created Facebook had passed away.

Speaker 4:

Nah, he was at the inauguration. Nah, nah, that had passed away. Nah, he was at the inauguration.

Speaker 5:

Nah nah, that was probably fake news.

Speaker 3:

It must have been something.

Speaker 2:

But he now owns Meta and Meta controls. So much of that. There's AI.

Speaker 3:

But, chris, back to what you said and to answer your question, zell that he just said Snoop the younger generation, or even generation. So you just said what Trump's a businessman? Yeah, generation, or even generation. So you just said what Trump's a businessman, it don't matter color, he knows who influences and who's going to have followers. So if he gets Snoop to support him and Snoop's coming out with a new album as well, they're businessmen. Let me get Snoop on board, and then I'll get more people to like me.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he loves Snoop. He don't fucking love Snoop. He don't fucking love Snoop, he loves lying in his pockets, the color green, the color of money.

Speaker 2:

I was just thinking that but here's the thing it's no longer. I don't think it's no longer. We can be like the color of green. It's clear. Money ain't even no color, no more, it's all credit.

Speaker 5:

Well, whatever.

Speaker 4:

Digital money.

Speaker 2:

What color is digital?

Speaker 3:

But yeah, that's the thing, it's like you said it. Or Zeb? He's a businessman, so that's what he's doing. Look who all he's brung in and hired on his team. I mean Musk and who else Like he's got all the big.

Speaker 2:

It's the CEO of Google, the CEO of. Amazon, all the biggest businesses in the world. They're all together. Like Zeb was saying, that's true. That's why Trump ain't the only dude in office. His whole party is in office. And Musk told him, like, look, you're going to do what we say or you will get taken out Without trying to say it Like they warn people.

Speaker 3:

And that's what's scary Very powerful people now on his team.

Speaker 5:

But if you noticed, like when Musk took the podium at the inauguration, like he seemed happier than fucking Trump Like he won something Because he's richer than all of them.

Speaker 3:

He's smarter than all of them. What did Musk do when he was up there?

Speaker 5:

Man, he was on some good drugs, man. He did that Hitler thing. Yeah, pay attention.

Speaker 2:

people Do you know that.

Speaker 5:

People are just brushing that off.

Speaker 2:

How come so many Americans are like I don't think he did that or this and that. Some are, but some aren't. But yet yet that thing that he did. The other countries that are showing it on the news, they're blurring that thing out yeah, they blurred, censored it. But americans are like, oh, he didn't do no hitler thing I'm like man, that motherfucker I don't understand why people think they're not.

Speaker 2:

These people are doing what they want. They're taking over lands. They're. They're killing people, genocidals. Right now, in our day and age, when we didn't think it would ever happen. They're doing it in our face. Wayne just said it. They're all together and that's why I'm like these are the tech gods dude. What took over life since 2000 is technology. Like crazy, bro, I was watching that. They have everything they want on us.

Speaker 3:

I was watching that inauguration live out of curiosity, because you know we're kind of a news platform, right when because you know we're kind of a news platform, they're right when he did that, I cut that shit off. I was like this is crazy, did you see?

Speaker 1:

it like he did it twice?

Speaker 4:

yeah, because I've seen photos and they might have caught him when he's reaching up to wave, and they just caught him in that moment no, no, no, no, no, dude what not a photo video he did it.

Speaker 3:

It is straight up.

Speaker 5:

Somebody tried to say he was basically saying, when he touched his heart, that I love you. And then when he went out like this, he meant to the whole crowd. I was like man the way he did it.

Speaker 2:

Nah man those are people that have been brainwashed the most to never think that these people are evil or do anything wrong. They don't understand, like Wayne, whose brother owns the biggest drone company it's Elon Musk. So they have all of that, all the AI, all the drone stuff, like Zeb said just a second ago. When I said he's richer, zeb said he's smarter. That's true, he's smarter than all the dudes.

Speaker 5:

I didn't mean to cut you off on this. No, that's all good. Anything technology man. They got it bro. And what fuels this country right now? Technology man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so one issue that's real big is the pardons for January 6th, because Trump pardoned 1,500 people. He imparted everybody. Dude, I have the whole list in front of me, the whole list.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but the people that he basically pardoned, they're white supremacists.

Speaker 3:

They're white supremacists, they're criminals. That's what I'm getting at. I mean. Trump's a criminal too, exactly. So yeah, he's a felon, but he's our president. Nobody cares about that either.

Speaker 2:

But everybody in that party is a criminal. Not to be funny, you'd never become that rich to have more money than the rest of the world has together without doing some kind of criminal activity. Right, they didn't just clearly flat out make their money straight up, genuine. There's ways they've done things and controlled us, and that's how it is. How does individuals those four individuals, they shown with trump they have enough money to give everybody in this world money to be good?

Speaker 3:

but bro, this whole pardon thing is out of control you know what I? Mean like well, he pardoned all them, whatever for january 6th, and then biden. Well, biden first pardoned people because, like we said, it's a. He pardoned people because he knew who he feels trump is going to come, after he pardoned his brother.

Speaker 2:

He pardoned his son.

Speaker 3:

He pardoned more than his son.

Speaker 5:

Because they're all scumbags, man, I'm trying to tell you I think he pardoned just regular inmates also who were convicted of drug charges. Because of the drug charges that they had caught, they felt like it was a little too harsh, you know what I mean? Like I mean they was putting people away for like 20 plus years for like a drug, for a dime bag, yeah. And you turn around and you storm a Capitol and they didn't even receive that kind of a sentence, man Like. So which one is more worse selling drugs or storming the Capitol? Like me selling drugs or storming the Capitol, like me personally selling drugs? You know that could be just a phase in your life. You know what I'm saying Hanging with the wrong people.

Speaker 3:

So back to what I said. You know Biden starting to pardon people, it was five of his family members he feels Trump is going to come after. When he would is why he pardoned them His two brothers, james and Francis Biden, his sister Valerie Biden, owens and James Valerie's spouse, sarah Biden and John Owens. So of course he pardoned them because he's scared Trump will retaliate and go Owens. So of course he's pardoned us because he's scared Trump will retaliate and go after them.

Speaker 2:

Except for the fact that they're all friends.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's an abuse of power that we're talking about. Would, they pardon us. No, there's no moral high ground in what we're talking about, man, they're pardoning their people. They wouldn't pardon us.

Speaker 3:

It's fucked up.

Speaker 4:

Think how the other people feel that are locked up, that are watching these guys get pardoned and they're like man why didn't they pardon me? No moral high ground in this conversation. We're talking about corruption on both sides.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's just total corruption on both sides. Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 5:

It's just total corruption on both sides I agree it's a money thing, man, because, like, if we don't have anybody locked up, like, how do they make money off of that? Okay, so they the. The system is designed for you to get locked up, go broke get pardoned by the president when you get out of prison or jail. You have nothing, so you're starting all over again. Nine times out of ten, those people were ex-criminals, so they're gonna get right back out and do the same thing and they're gonna lock them right back up.

Speaker 2:

It's just a cycle, man, and it's the way it's designed, man but they pick and choose who they lock up because the biggest criminals wear shirts and ties. Yeah, I'm not you know, what I mean. I'm that serious, exactly right, and and I would wish we as a, as a podcast brother unity, we could start something, tony, because you just said that the two parties, it's not. It's not two parties, it's them and us, them and us.

Speaker 2:

But they divided us so that, like you said, the reds and the blues, that's why it's bloods and crips. They divided us rich and poor, black and white and everything in between fat and skinny. They divide us so many ways, while they just continuously control us and they have fun up top. They're like we got everything.

Speaker 4:

Nah, they're probably having a big playoff party, all of them together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they probably are. You think Biden's playing beer pong.

Speaker 4:

Obama and Trump are playing beer pong.

Speaker 2:

But you think, Biden's chilling with Trump right now? Maybe not right now, but in general they do hang out, probably Obama all of them they hang out man.

Speaker 5:

That's my personal belief. I feel like they created the white race. I don't believe it was a race man.

Speaker 2:

They moved away from the equator and eventually, over time, people had lighter skin.

Speaker 5:

We call them white. Like man get out of here.

Speaker 3:

They don't care about any of that yeah. Man, one of the big names that pardoned man, because Rage Against the Machine was all about this guy, his innocence, leonard Paltare. Who was he? He was a Native American activist who was convicted of killing two fbi agents in the 70s. Palter has been in prison since 1976. Having maintained his innocence. All along has been in poor health. For you.

Speaker 2:

He got pardoned well, guess what you said 76, I'm 44 and was born in 81, so this guy is at least in his 70s. So good for him, man who want to spend their whole damn life in jail, no matter what you've done after 40 50 years man you gotta let him go yeah yeah I'll tell you one thing though, because he did a lot of bad things already.

Speaker 2:

there's one thing I do like that I've read that he did. Everybody who got in trouble got discharged from the army and the military because they didn't take the COVID shot. He reinstated every single one of them and said if they want to go back, they can be good, they can go back and all of them get back paid for all those years, good.

Speaker 5:

So who was that?

Speaker 3:

Biden did that?

Speaker 2:

He knows it wasn't what everybody thought it was. He's like everybody can get their money back for the whole four or five years since then.

Speaker 5:

And they get reinstated. He was like they should have never gotten in trouble because they didn't take it. You did, but biden did that. No, trump just did this. Did that. Well, that's, I mean, that's good, it's all a scam, man. That's how a pharmaceutical company stay afloat. Man like it all boils back down to man like why do you think trump's trying to cut like by essential medications from like like China and stuff? Man, he wants all of that to be bought within the US. He's keeping all those pharmaceutical companies afloat, man Like they're bringing all types of money in.

Speaker 2:

Man Wayne, you're the only one on this panel with a daughter, but obviously everybody has a wife. How do you feelall feel about? Because we're men? Man, I've always said we shouldn't be able to tell women what to do, but he just pretty much got rid of abortion. Women can't get abortion like that. And he's even banning contraceptives or whatever it is and I'm like what the fuck yeah?

Speaker 2:

it's wild so they want to depopulate people, but then they don't want people to be able to stop from having kids if they want to. So how does that make sense? Wayne, you have a daughter.

Speaker 5:

I mean. So here's my thing with the abortion thing. It happens to girls when they're young and I get it financially they can't support it. It could be a lot mentally on that person, school baby. You know what I'm saying. But there's got to be some kind of plan to help these girls out. If we're going to do this, I'm not against it because, like you know, you're killing an innocent soul At the end of the day, but and that that soul deserves to have a life just like we're having.

Speaker 3:

My main thing is, my only thing, is what if it's rape? That's, that's always the first thing.

Speaker 2:

I don't want my daughter or somebody I love having a child and they have to deal with it their whole life. Like that, your dad is some somebody that raped me, right? Yeah?

Speaker 5:

I mean, this is, this is a big discussion. This, this is a whole another topic that we could do on a whole another show. But I get it.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're gonna have trump, changing it, already making life hard for women yeah, you're gonna have mixed beliefs all over the abortion thing.

Speaker 5:

I mean, yeah, there's never any resolution to it. I don't think so.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, my thing is I'm with Chris. I mean to me there's exceptions. You know you get raped by your dad, which sadly happens. It does you know family members something? How would you like to live and like man? That's weird. To me, rape is number one, Like rape by anybody.

Speaker 2:

You know what you just said, tony would mean that the kid has is their father, is also their grandfather I know, but what I'm saying?

Speaker 3:

just rape is yet period. Doesn't matter who it is. The girl should have it like they don't want it you know what I mean.

Speaker 5:

I just think we, as men, shouldn't be able to tell women what to do exactly but I agree, the long-term situations with incest and babies man, like the learning disabilities and capabilities that they're going to have, I get it. So there's got to be some kind of stimulations.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, to me it's just to be in. To me it's still that. Don't tell them what to do because, like you say, they still have the choice. They should have the choice to keep it or not. Right, that's just how I feel on it. Right, why tell women what to do? Right, it's their body. They want to keep it. They do. If they don't, they don't. Yeah man, who is somebody to make a law and tell? Supposedly a free country Especially from a man's perspective.

Speaker 5:

I don't want to be biased, but this definitely has to go through a woman high of class that is in the executive office. We have men making decisions, we have the men making decisions for the women. This topic don't suit me well at all, I mean.

Speaker 3:

So, Zeb, how do you feel on abortion?

Speaker 4:

I think it's the woman's choice. But when people claim to be raped, they should definitely be able to get an abortion. But if they're raped, somebody should also be going to jail.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, You're with us. It's their choice.

Speaker 4:

It should be their choice.

Speaker 3:

I look at it and I think all three of you look at this and it's just simple to me, Like, okay, it's your choice, it's easy, but we make it such a hot topic. I know it's a touchy subject, but it's the woman's choice. It's like I say let it happen to your family, the ones out there who don't. You know what I mean.

Speaker 5:

Let it happen to you, let it happen to Trump's family.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let it happen to you, and then I bet you're going to feel differently. Exactly, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we can move on. Let's talk, let's touch on the tariffs, though, right, because what he's trying to do, he's trying to up the percentage of pay on foreign goods into the United, everything, yeah, that's a big deal too 25% on Canada and Mexico and 10% on China but

Speaker 3:

see everybody loves this. It loves Trump. Everything's going to get better with him and everything's going to go down To hell. It will if that happens.

Speaker 1:

You know all these tariffs.

Speaker 3:

he wants to start taxing and increase Right.

Speaker 1:

Would you say 25%, I think.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, like 25% 25% on two countries that's connected to us. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

So we're like basically stabbing them in the back and groceries is already out of hand as it is in gas. Let's just mention this everybody. When everybody says, oh, the gas prices are going to go down with trump dude, that jumped what? 30 cents? Like a couple days after he went into office to answer that for us. They jumped up 30 cents in one day.

Speaker 5:

It's like Trump is basically saying fuck all countries, this is what we do. We're bullies. We will control the situation.

Speaker 3:

I mean I say I know the president's having an effect on the economy, but it's the big corporations. You know oil companies, all this.

Speaker 5:

But who owns most of that?

Speaker 3:

Bush, the Bush family, the elite man? Well, yeah, the elite.

Speaker 5:

They all got their money tied in that shit man. It ain't just Bush's money, I mean I'm pretty sure. Oh, I'm just saying.

Speaker 4:

You said the oil companies.

Speaker 2:

BP it's most of the high-powered people that are Middle Eastern people. That's their land. And here's something else Trump just did this week. He's trying to ban Muslims from coming to this country. Like, how do you just ban a whole religion of people? Like they're all bad Dude. They're just trying to wipe them out, take their land and take the oil. That's the most, one of the biggest private things in the world. They want to control the oil. The white man don't control it, but they're trying to exactly how you gonna ban muslims.

Speaker 2:

I got a lot of muslim friends, man close people like they ain't no bad people, just I don't think christians, jews, nobody's bad just because they're in a religion.

Speaker 5:

People are all bad of everything yeah, but you hit it on the nose, chris. You said how do you take over? You gotta eliminate them.

Speaker 2:

Yep, they also said and I got a video, I'm pretty sure y'all might have seen it already where are we going to start when they we depopulate? They said, with africa. Well, I seen a white dude. He was like they're no, they're not important, so we can just wipe them out. I'm like so they want to take over that whole continent. And then they want to take over the Middle East. Well, guess what? That's most of the brown and black people. Get rid of them, and then it's pretty much not even being funny. It's white dominance, white power over the whole world.

Speaker 3:

You're not being funny, you're right, but it's wild. But I want to touch on this tariff thing. I'll bring up a little article with some facts on it, just a little bit. You know how it can affect our economy. So you know Trump wants to. He well, I'll start off in quote. You know he's repeatedly threatened to dramatically expand tariffs. It's a move that could affect trillions of dollars in trade and reshape prices for everything from cars to medication. All right, trillions of dollars in trade and reshape prices for everything from cars to medication All right. So, moving on, imported goods are a key driver of the American economy totally $2.9 trillion in 2024, with China, canada and Mexico accounting for over 40% of that value. And he wants to tax of that value and he wants to tax. He has threatened a 10% tariff on goods from China and 25%, like we just said, tariff percent tariff on Mexico and Canada. That's who everybody voted for. Great job everybody. Great job America.

Speaker 5:

I'll just call it great job. So all the goods that y'all buy. So all the goods that y'all buy while you're out shopping and wondering why it's so high, you can just thank yourself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, don't start blaming the Democrats. Way to go, baby Right.

Speaker 5:

But it's crazy. Go buy another Tesla. It'll be about $10,000 more next year.

Speaker 3:

We said it here first. It's already starting to happen. It's going to be so much better for everybody with this man in office.

Speaker 5:

I feel like Elon Musk. He's a robot himself, man, he looks like one. I feel like he's got a computer chip in his brain, bro, he does look fake, he does man, he looks like one. I feel like he's got a computer chip in his brain, bro, he does look fake. He does man. Biden looks fake man.

Speaker 4:

They're like robots.

Speaker 5:

They act like robots. Have you seen his eyes, man? They look possessed like the dark side. Man like the devil. I look at him at some of the interviews he'd be having. I'd be like man, like the devil. I look at him at some of the interviews he be having. I'll be like man. Y'all see his eyes.

Speaker 3:

Does he even have pupils? Coke's, a great drug.

Speaker 4:

He looks like the guy on Star Wars, the emperor, the one who's Darth Vader's boss.

Speaker 5:

I mean these dudes be looking weird. Man. That's what I said, man, when you got a lot of money. Man, that's what I said, man, when you got a lot of money. Man, you can have certain things done. Man, and me personally, I believe Elon's got a chip in his brain. Man. I mean, dude is so fucking smart bro, it's fucking crazy man.

Speaker 3:

Well, guys, I mean we spoke on tariffs that he wants to put on other countries. I spoke on immigration, Spoke on abortion. You got anything else to touch on that he's doing?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, how he's trying to target eliminating the Department of Education.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a big, yes, that's a big one. Like really, it just keeps getting better. You know what's he doing with our Department of Education. You got it up there. A little quote thing here.

Speaker 5:

The Department of Education will be targeted for elimination in the second Trump administration. That does not mean that Trump wants Washington out of classrooms. He still proposes, among other maneuvers, using federal funding as leverage to pressure K-12 school systems to abolish tenure and adopt merit pay for teachers and scrap diversity programs at all levels of education.

Speaker 3:

He scrapped diversity programs yeah.

Speaker 5:

He calls for pulling federal funding for any school or program pushing critical race theories, gender and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children. And you know the article goes on and on, man, so yeah.

Speaker 3:

So basically he doesn't want people to learn. The truth is what it is. He wants to eliminate poverty, black history. All that is what I got from that it's said to get rid of black history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like he don't want.

Speaker 2:

He don't want the american people to know about their history, and it basically learned which base has been set up that way anyway doesn't that make sense, because they they pretty much erased most of the so-called native americans, like they don't tell us anything except for powhatan and pocahontas. So it's like and then it's thanksgiving, like how did they make peace with us? They, we killed all of them as people not you and us, but of course you know mean I'm like they just want to erase everything. That's what it is, and I think that's why it's really called history, because it's his story and they're telling it in their way.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So yeah, it was eliminate learning. Not that the school systems are the best. Anyway the majority You're programmed, it's set up to be programmed to work.

Speaker 2:

a nine to five is how it's set up Of course that's what systems do, and they may just stay and listen and everything.

Speaker 3:

But Trump's just making it worse. So that that brings up, I guess, clarence Smith, for example. He teaches black history, so now what they're saying is, like, well, he can't do that.

Speaker 5:

Pretty much.

Speaker 3:

Right, we're still around.

Speaker 2:

That's what he wants to ban. He can't do that Pretty much Right, we're still around. That's what he wants to ban If things don't get too out of control and we're still around.

Speaker 3:

I have a feeling a large number of people are going to start homeschooling their kids.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's already started anyway. I mean a huge number.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it could increase. You're right, if families really care about their kids' education, they put them in private schools. Yeah, or a private school.

Speaker 2:

He also looked out for guys when it comes to child support. Who was that? Again, he looked out for men when it comes to child support. So now, if a woman puts a man on child support, he'll be the only one to be able to claim those kids at the end of the year.

Speaker 3:

I saw that Somebody mentioned that. Yeah, that's another big one, god, we can go on and on.

Speaker 1:

How do you all?

Speaker 3:

feel about that one. This is crazy the child support.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's good and bad, to be honest.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sometimes that's not fair to guys, man, because I know men that don't even get to see their kids, and they pay, they pay, they pay.

Speaker 2:

And I know guys that take care of their kids and still have to pay.

Speaker 4:

Like it's OD yeah and the way this system's set up.

Speaker 5:

man in the world, man, I think a lot of kids should be homeschooled, but it's kind of hard to homeschool when the system's designed for the parents to work a nine-to-five, so there's no one really there to. Yeah, if you're going to. If you have a household where the man is making a good amount of money, where he can handle the bills, then you should have your wife homeschool your child.

Speaker 2:

I think that's how he wants it to get back to, but'm not gonna lie to you. Kids will be a lot smarter though, damn right, and they'd be in a lot less trouble just because of the outside influence, right. So when people be like, oh, it starts at home, a lot of stuff does, but that doesn't mean you three are listening to all this twerk music or devil worshiping music, but they get to school and get influenced by their friends. That might be how they get into it, and that's a lot of this.

Speaker 3:

Hey, man, wayne can speak on that. We've raised teenager, you know, and he's got an order. So it's like, hey, you can do the best you can. I went back on that saying, oh yeah, it starts at home, yeah, it does, where you can instill in your kids. Wayne was a great father, raising whatever his son and daughter. The thing is they're total opposites. Right, you can do the best you can, but kids, ultimately they're going to make their own decisions.

Speaker 4:

Different personalities man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, once we hit that early teenager, we more influenced and more love to be around our friends than the adults. I can't stand it.

Speaker 3:

It starts at home. Well, yes, it does. We instill in our kids the right things. You're a great parent, but hey, once they get the 15 seats, like you said, outside and foot, what if they're going to start doing what they want? They're going to do what they want.

Speaker 4:

And what can you do?

Speaker 3:

You can only be there to try to support them.

Speaker 2:

My main thing is, like Wayne said, they would be smarter and be better off if they're homeschooled by their mom. But, the thing, is the dad has to be able to hold down the whole fort.

Speaker 3:

Oh, why has it got to be the dad? I know plenty of at-home working dads.

Speaker 2:

But the life has changed, this ain't the 1960s. That's what they're saying. Life has changed to where it used to be a strong family and the man would hold it down and the woman would provide at home for the love and the nurturing and stuff.

Speaker 2:

But it's gotten to the point to where every woman needs to be just like a man and want to be able to do the same. So that part of ego rights which I understand. But then they're not at home. So now how can that household still be the same as it used to be? I barely ever see any young families these days eating family meals together.

Speaker 5:

Oh, yes, at those times our administration was great. You know what I mean. Things were cheap. Now look at stuff, man. It's living is not affordable. Man like you gotta have almost like both the mom and the dad working just to make it.

Speaker 2:

Man like so nobody's at home and the kids run just to make it man. So nobody's at home and the kids run around in the streets.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, I mean, there's people at home, but not very many. Like Wade said, both parents have to work these days and that goes back to what we can bring up minimum wage. It hasn't went up much since the 70s 80s, but prices go up for every day. That's why people can't survive.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, if they really want to make America great again, get it back to that where wives were just home. They did all the house stuff.

Speaker 2:

But we've already reached a point, I think, where women ain't going to go for that. Well hell no.

Speaker 5:

They're going to be like Wayne.

Speaker 2:

Tony, how come I can't go out and work and do this and that?

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean you stay home, wash the dishes and shit and cook oh, that's how it's gotten, and it's also I'll even blame it like we're talking about influence, beyonce and neo and everything else. They use them as influence, so there's people that are creating this. I'm being honest, miss independent I love her because she got it on, like all that shit they there was. The women are hearing that they're being empowered man, man and I'm not against it. I love women.

Speaker 3:

I'm not against it at all.

Speaker 2:

But I don't think we'll ever get back to that point, to where that strong family household of the woman being home, holding it down, being there when the kids get out of school and everything else, and the man comes home kind of late because he's working all day but they have what they need. I don't think we'll ever get back to that and it's kind of sad. But it's sad for the family structure.

Speaker 4:

But it's sad for the kids and they don't ever want us.

Speaker 2:

Most kids don't know what a real family structure is anymore, even if you have your family Well, I just won't say it's like the man provide what, I'm all for that, whatever.

Speaker 3:

But like you said, chris, it's changed. These days, now the, the woman, can be the bread maker I see that a lot Then the dad's retired. I know a few families where the dad's the at-home dad or he works a part-time job and he's home. Roles have reversed these days.

Speaker 2:

Because your wife is the bread winner who? Hey, don't worry about it, you know I'm talking about that.

Speaker 3:

She is now. She wasn't at work.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're talking about. Life has changed. They would have never heard my son does what.

Speaker 3:

Don't call me. Zeb knows how much I work when we first got together.

Speaker 2:

I know, but, like we just said, time has changed.

Speaker 3:

Five example right here. Now the roles are reversed.

Speaker 4:

I would embrace being a stay-at-home dad. I would love that shit. I love taking them to the bus. Stop receiving them from school.

Speaker 3:

And dads like it now, For example for me, it works. I work part-time. I'm part-time. I work early in the morning, y'all know this and I get home and I can pick my kid up from school I'm the one who does, you know, picks Devontae up and I can go to practices and stuff. Usually I'm available. She only works till 4.

Speaker 2:

Let me ask you guys this because we're all guys, so obviously we were boys at one time. Most people if you guys agree with me, most people grow up with mostly their mom, a woman figure taking care of us. There are families with dads and male figures, but most of us grow up with predominantly the mom.

Speaker 1:

And how much does the mom?

Speaker 2:

do? She works hard, she busts her ass, sometimes two, three jobs. She provides, she has food, she struggles and goes, goes through everything, but that's what the kids see. So for the women, the young girls are working hard like their mom, because they saw that that's a woman, that's what we do. And the boys are looking like the mom provides, the mom takes care. So we now have softened up as guys and just like that's the woman's job.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying all of that that's that, as that is the truth. Guys have gotten soft and like that's what the woman's supposed to do. And the women are looking like they got to bust their ass because that's what they saw their mom do.

Speaker 3:

I can agree with that Because me growing up, my dad worked two jobs at least At the military, you know, full-time. They worked part-time at Sears. My mom had a full-time, you know working, babysitting, doing all that. So both my parents worked, you know, growing up. So but then I can see what you're saying. The boys look up to the man like what he's doing, a woman or whatever they worked like that to have something to them.

Speaker 5:

You know what I mean? Yeah, back in those days things were cheap. And look what your parents got out of it. They got a home out of it, piece of property, vehicles Got y'all in school, got savings accounts for y'all. They were able to do things because things were affordable. It's hard to put money in a kid's savings accounts. Nowadays, man, if you're not working two or three jobs, man, or not making over $100K man.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, paycheck to paycheck, now for everyone.

Speaker 3:

A lot yeah, the majority of people, A lot of people.

Speaker 5:

So we just have to keep that generation flowing for our kids, man, and just keep the strong work ethic going through our generations, passing down anything that we own, so they can't just take it from us generational wealth.

Speaker 5:

That's the topic we need to talk about that one day, and I hear a lot of these kids tomorrow, I ain't ever gonna have kids. Well, if you never have kids, guess what? Somebody will take your house eventually generation. Will that your ancestors or uncles or whoever work to pay this way, to give you this house, to give you these cars and whatever else comes along with it. Money, keep it in the family. Keep it in the family, man. Make it easier on your seas. I see a lot of kids man take over farmland man and first thing they do is oh, I'm not working on no farm.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to sell it, yep. And then they don't have no money after they done selling. Now they're broke.

Speaker 5:

Exactly what they wanted you to do. Give it back. Yeah you're right, we can go on and on, man, but we got to wrap this thing up.

Speaker 2:

You got to talk about that.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

We got to talk about that W.

Speaker 5:

We ain't going to talk about. That W we're going to talk. Maybe that W we ain't going to talk about no W until we get it.

Speaker 3:

baby, let's go. Let's go, Wayne.

Speaker 2:

Nah, it's on your chest, I see it.

Speaker 1:

You know what time it is today.

Speaker 5:

All you Eagle fans, all you Cowboy fans, stop hating. Let us enjoy our moment.

Speaker 3:

Show's over for me, guys.

Speaker 5:

You all in, I'm out, this is going to be the first time a rookie has ever won an NFC championship ever, I believe. The previous ones were 0-5.

Speaker 3:

What's the final score? Come on, what's your prediction? Washington, philly, let's move it. Final score today.

Speaker 5:

Final score today. I like it in a thriller. It's going to be tied 27-27. We're going to have that final drive. We're going to have that final drive. We're going to kick a 45-yard field goal for the game winner. Baby, We'll win 30-27.

Speaker 1:

Let's go.

Speaker 3:

Defenders. He really broke it down. That's funny. Alright, so AMC Championship who wins?

Speaker 5:

I like an upset Bills over Chiefs. I'm going to say Is that an? Upset who's favorite in that game. You know who's favorite.

Speaker 2:

They're at home.

Speaker 5:

But I'm going to tell you who's got their number. Okay, I like Josh Allen in a shootout against Mahomes. We're going to say 35-33, baby.

Speaker 2:

What about you, Tony and Zeb? What do y'all think? It's only two games.

Speaker 3:

Zeb go ahead, I'll go ahead.

Speaker 2:

I gave you my scores, tony's upset, I am so done with y'all.

Speaker 3:

This is my worst nightmare as a Cowboys fan. Division rivals in the NFC Championship game Philly and Washington so then, regardless, I got to hear one of the fan bases mouth for another two weeks because they made the Super Bowl. So this is my worst nightmare. It makes your division look good though it does, but there are division folks that are like oh well, who are you rooting for? I'm not rooting for either one of them.

Speaker 2:

What's up?

Speaker 5:

I'm not going to root for Washington. It kind of made our division look shitty, but it wasn't.

Speaker 3:

What I'm not going to sit there for one or the other.

Speaker 5:

This is how we end the show on BWO if they can tie.

Speaker 2:

I wish they could tie somehow. I want it to be a repeat of 91, washington and Buffalo so who wins?

Speaker 3:

you want it to be, but who wins? Is that who you're picking?

Speaker 2:

it'll be Kansas City man if Philly wins, kansas City, man, if Philly wins, kansas City wins, and honestly they might have that repeat. Sometimes it just is. It's just, we can think what we want. But I've seen interviews with Dominique Wilkins and people like Peyton Manning and they talk about how games have been rigged. Shaq too. Shaq was like we knew he was winning that first championship. They told us and I was like that's crazy. So how can we go against it? These kind of people know, whether we believe it or not, they might know on that field and I just hate it because, as a fan, I love the game.

Speaker 3:

My question who do you feel wins? Well, we got Jaden Daniels, so I believe we win. All right. So you got Washington All right. And I got Buffalo. So you got Washington and Buffalo.

Speaker 4:

Zeb, you go ahead well, I want to see the commanders win because they beat us, but I think Saquon Barkley is going to put up over 200 yards yeah, you think he's going to run over them. Gibbs ran over them.

Speaker 3:

Barkley is way better than Gibbs alright, who you got in the AFC? The Chiefs you got in the AFC. The Chiefs you got rematch Philly and Chiefs that's keeping it real.

Speaker 5:

I like it. I want to just throw something out of there before we get off, though. Shout out to all these betting platforms. I need you all to start posting who are the referees for each game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to know he's reffing again.

Speaker 3:

He's 6-0. I want to know. All right, I haven't gave my pick. Y'all might be shocked. Cowboys.

Speaker 4:

All right, we ain't shocked, we ain't shocked.

Speaker 5:

We know you're going to put that big W up there, so we didn't start Well.

Speaker 3:

let me tell you why. I feel the first rookie makes it to the Super Bowl. I feel Washington beats Philly. Jaden Daniels pulls it out. I just have to keep it real. I feel they shut down Zayquan, make Jalen Hurts try to win the game, and that's how Washington wins. And I feel Jalen Hurts does not. He can't pull it out. I think Jaden Daniels is on a roll, Washington's on a roll. I think they beat them in Philly. I just keep it real.

Speaker 4:

Washington is on a roll, man they are.

Speaker 3:

I just feel they're a team, that one of those teams is like what a team of destiny, whatever. Everybody's calling them the cardiac commanders, this and that. I feel it's there. So quick question before I hate to say it, they might win the whole fucking thing.

Speaker 2:

You said we're on a roll. Philly's only lost one game in 15 games.

Speaker 3:

But the difference is like Philly has the number one. I'm telling you the reason why. Like to me the game plan, I'm giving you what they will shut down. They will stack the box. They will make Jalen Hurts win, and he's only barely over 100 yards. In every playoff game, they make Hurts throw the ball, and that's how they're going to cause turnover. They're going to stack the box, which would be smart, because all they're going to do is try to run Zayquan and Philly does have a great defense. They have the number one defense, believe it or not, in the league.

Speaker 2:

They have four candidates up for players of the year.

Speaker 3:

It'll be close, but I feel Daniels will step up and make big plays in the end, in a close one, it'll still be close.

Speaker 5:

Quick question for you if Micah Parsons rolls, are you going to roll with him? Micah Parsons ain't going nowhere.

Speaker 3:

Here we go. You Do you think Micah Parsons rolls, or are you going to roll?

Speaker 5:

with him. Micah Parsons ain't going nowhere If you come to Washington here we go.

Speaker 3:

You're all one of our players, so bad Parsons isn't going anywhere.

Speaker 5:

Moving on, micah, if you tune into this, man, we need you out of Washington baby.

Speaker 3:

So, afc, I feel Buffalo wins. It's their year two. I feel the same way, like I feel about Washington. They're a team that you know Josh Allen's just playing out of his mind and I feel Buffalo wins, beats Kansas. So two road teams will win today.

Speaker 2:

I got Buffalo and Washington a rematch of what 91? 91 season, 92 playoffs.

Speaker 3:

Super Bowl, but if the media has it their way, it's KC and Philly.

Speaker 2:

Because they make more money and more ratings if they have those two teams in it.

Speaker 3:

So there you go, it's KC and Philly.

Speaker 2:

It was a setup, I know one thing, though Only four fan bases get to watch their teams today, and Washington's one of them. Baby, let's go.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to give you another fun one.

Speaker 3:

Well, guys, good luck today. I'm tired of talking about the commanders. At the end of the day I'm going to have to hear Philly fans or Washington fans bragging again, all off making videos and shit like oh, you never won a game.

Speaker 2:

We're just going to let y'all know we ain't got to be at home to win a game, because all these games have been on the road. Baby, we're the only team to win a road game this playoffs and we've won two.

Speaker 5:

Right, we made it to the Super Bowl in a B4, baby. All right, four games on the road baby.

Speaker 3:

Okay, everybody, let's wrap it up. Everybody, like I say fans out there, tune in, Go to YouTube, tune in, go to YouTube, subscribe. While Wayne's flexing here we're not on video, but he's over here flexing. So everybody go to YouTube and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're on Facebook, instagram, x, twitter, whatever they call it, so check us out, guys, and everybody, please subscribe. Hey, give some feedback, because we talked some shit today, that's right.

Speaker 5:

Hit the link button down low. Baby subscribe man, stop listening. Need all y'all to subscribe and listen. Everybody enjoy this Sunday. Go Commanders.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, baby HTTR baby, let's go Big voice, no silence, revolution, televised Ain't no good. In private Knowledge to the ignorant Ain't never been bliss. Stand up and be heard. We, the new activists, brothers with opinion, let up and be heard. We, the new activists, brothers with a pain, let the convo begin. You know, communication key, but then you must comprehend. Preach, bwo, let your voices be heard. We, enlightened by the truth, and now we spreading the word. How do we learn to live when we, conditioned to die, most people fail before they start because they don't ever try. Man, they told us we was worthless. We believed in the lie. We took it way too literal when Big said ready to die. You know, the KKK turned the cops in disguise. Man. A lot done changed, but race still applies 5-0 hands up. Don't even ask why. Trey Vaughn, mike Brown, man, another mother's cry. Hey, bwo, let the

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